what's meant to be; fixed order of things; a power that determines your future, I believe that my destiny has been so arranged from the beginning, and that there is a higher force at play. Definition of destiny written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels. Destiny definition, something that is to happen or has happened to a particular person or thing; lot or fortune. America should not abandon this, its manifest destiny… 7 synonyms of destiny from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 24 related words, definitions, and antonyms. The L . See more. “What we call our destiny is truly our character and that character can be altered. Without question, she is equally in the dark as to her soul, its present depravity, and future, There's a lot of teenage self-discovery and plenty of hugging and crying as the buttoned-down boarders learn they're the masters of their own, Coming out of the fateless, leading into the fateless, with hardly anything assigned to chance, the peasant's path runs on the very brink of, In these lessons, the prince was taught that he was predestined to become an instrument of Divine Providence, fulfilling the historical, The idea was viewed as an important step towards enabling the Inuit, and other residents of the Eastern Arctic, to take charge of their own, Words spoken during the sumbel are considered carefully and any oaths made are considered sacrosanct, becoming part of the, Schiller's plays expressed the restless spirit of his generation, depicting the hero's struggle against social pressures and the force of, His extraordinary achievements, coupled with his own ineffable sense of, The hero justifies himself as a man chosen by, The fierce struggle they waged here not only helped decide the outcome of American Civil War, it also shaped the fate of a nation, and, Unfortunately she fell into the trap of confusing biology with, Anthropological horizons touch our inner sense of freedom and, Slowly, though, he moves from questions about his own life and, With a burning desire to control their own, Those cannot remain imprisoned on the Earth, and their, Next to his attitude toward his Maker and his subsequent choice of a life partner this decision controls his worth and, He cherishes no quarrel, therefore, with his, Was he a quadruped with mane and tail, or an allegory invented to typify, But he was not of the metal to accept tamely such a ticketing from the hat of, I have a thousand reveries and schemes about them, and their future, We have now to consider the genesis and proximate, Formerly she would have liked to wrest by force from heaven the secrets of, Again Mrs. Bindle's hard, uninflected words sounded like the accents of, No, woman was made to love and to be married, that is her unalterable, I have seen her, by some miracle of coincident, or by a, Byron's clubfoot had probably not a little to do with determining his, Can the royal purple and burning flames of genius ever float upon the immaculate azure of woman's, Rather is it a thing stark and strong, informed with fate and epical in its intense recognition of, As unconscious trustee, Spain, centring power at Monterey, was holding the coast for the larger, She had the promise from the saints that her line had a great, The man with the lantern at the bridgehead at Brod did not know that he held the, The chief thing is whether they are propulsive forces in the, Had they forgotten that they once were considered the arbiters of fate, and the prognosticators of man's, They do not change the nature of truth and her capability and, This table is covered for the miri of the child, an occult being, that is supposed to have the care of its, To an extent which no other animal has ever approached, man is the arbiter of his own, Last night independent, mistress of her own, I don't know whether that was a blackmailer's adroitness or just a trick of, He felt the adequacy of this life as a determiner of the eternal, That graceful maiden is too lovely for any, The girl was appalled by the mercilessness of a. Learn more. People like to feel they are in control of their destiny, Does South Korea now control the destiny of the Korean peninsula? The war with Mexico was also a product of the United States' belief of manifest, To ignore this is to run your business on a wing and a prayer, which is pure chance and takes your, They must count on wits and be quick on their feet in a gamble with, Listening to him, we all understand that radio was his, By ordering his own punishment the masochist has made himself the master of his, Refusing to believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, and refusing the, When government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates, and our ability to control our own, As a young girl this Gujarati actress aspired to become a pilot, but her, In fact, there's a subset of neocons who believe that given our unparalleled power, empire is our, One could even say the story implies that emancipation is not properly a woman's pursuit or, So while she grooms her son for leadership, she is also fulfilling her own, Next up was my mother, with a speech about fate and, Everything that happened before is forgotten in the cruel wake of fate and. 100 examples: There he might have suffered the brutalisation and oppression of hundreds of… Break 'destiny' down into sounds: [DEST] + [UH] + [NEE] - say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Paraphrase Online Paraphrasing Tool - The Best Free Article, Sentence and Paragraph Rephrasing Software! But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. 🔊, $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). Translate destiny in context, with examples of use and definition. Religion gets mixed up with politics, manifest destiny and nationalism. Bungie.net is the Internet home for Bungie, the developer of Destiny, Halo, Myth, Oni, and Marathon, and the only place with official Bungie info straight from the developers. To ignore this is to run your business on a wing and a prayer, which is pure chance and takes your destinyout of your own hands. Destiny glanced up at Carmen from her elevated chair at the table and then her attention swung back to Alex. Find more ways to say destiny, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. These cookies do not store any personal information. case of destiny. a sense of common destiny. 1. the future destined for a person or thing; fate; fortune; lot. The English language was used on the ground that it was destined to be the great instrument of higher education in India, and also as giving the Hindu the key of Western knowledge. ‘she was unable to control her own destiny’. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. I came here out of sheer chance, out of luck, For they all had to carry on the message of, For Standard Life, the next few weeks will be testing ones as it counts its votes and plans its date with, This is enough explanation for a rational person, but not for a believer in, Rachel I just want you to know that I believe that, I believe in fate and I do believe that there is a difference between fate and, There can be room for each one of us to act within overall contours of fate and, We meet those who believe in reincarnation, those who believe in, It seems that people who want to achieve should believe in, He is said to have eaten a toad as a child, an act foretokening a martial, The interlude of peace as all the naked refugees foregather in an ineffectual attempt to understand their, As her father convalesced and improved, Cavell was convinced that nursing was her, No amount of scientific progress, moreover, has separated the world from our apprehension of its innate, As initiators of culture and producers of the societies in which we live, the, It is also a great New York story, a tai chi story, an accidental but somehow fated, The figures suggest strung puppets, and underline the subjects' impotence as playthings of a malign, If you're fancying yourself a victim of circumstance, you're not participating enough in your own, It seemed like Shobha's perfect man had been snatched from her by, He suggested a number of ideas that would change the society and, The arc of the members' lives follows precisely the classic Greek model of, He's a violent hothead who's clearly on a collision course with his, However, hospitalism is not necessarily the, He testified that he believed that a priest was one of God's chosen people, and that one became a priest because of, Her blood-red lips and hooded eyes, her large hands firmly grasping the wheel, all convey a woman in control of her, Yet I was determined to settle down and carve out my, Derrida is critical of Heidegger's conception of historicity as fate or, He has asked to vote positively to elect members who would guide the, Though high-born, he was propelled more by his conviction that he was a man of, However, this map only adds to the confusion when the lovers meet their, Joseph's parents know that he is a miracle child with a special, Now we all labour under the cynical belief that poverty, oppression, exploitation is our, Each of these powers flourished in a Mackinder heartland and saw its, But he gains in confidence, building up to the Olympian ending as Apollo accepts his, It is, in fact, the economic system that is most in harmony with the biblical understanding of human nature and human, I think it's better to go with the flow like a good river going to its, No, the they are resisting because they want to control their own, Looking within ourselves, we are immediately aware of our own sense of purpose and, I totally support the idea that you are going to be the navigators of your own, A two minute period near the end of the game determined the, Above all Irish political nationalism demanded a state wherein for good or ill the people decide their own, This was the type of game that makes you believe in miracles and curses, mystique and aura, and, The city is the arena of multiple singularities, packed densely with each intensely individual life living out its deeply personal, Is he really behind Jill and her dream to fulfill her dead husband's, He is eventually ordered to leave her to follow his, The best part about knowing your goals and taking steps toward achieving them is that it puts you in charge of your own, These are characters who want perfect lives, but who keep finding out that, Instead of obediently yielding to the will of these gods, he took his, But I now think that it is in every toddler's, That worked in post-Puritan America and led to the doctrine of manifest, But in truth, you know, that was really the birth of what would become manifest, Americans looked to the western lands as an opportunity for large amounts of free land, for growth of industry, and manifest, The first paper draws our attention to the concept of manifest, Kindness, sobriety, manfulness, courage, morality, intelligence, religion, and duty mark her, I gathered up my little ones with just the clothes we were wearing and left for good, not looking back and not knowing our, A central theme of his poetry, as well as of his magnum opus, the novel Doctor Zhivago, is man's, Such events remind us of the sameness of our human, It is a way of moving into the future by taking over one's, Thrown on their beam ends, they were presently planning something else, eager to shake dice with, The losses and sacrifices suffered in terms of academic advancement had been construed to be the, A troubled and afflicted mankind looks to us, pleading for us to keep our rendez-vous with, But she had no influence on Denise's photographic, The liars, the traitors, the thugs, and the outlaws cannot be handed the, Some people pay attention to aptonyms because they appear to provide evidence that a person's name may indicate a person's professional, We are shown images of bees, signifying the backward movement of trying to escape one's, The idea of American exceptionalism was expressed domestically in the doctrine of manifest, This goal was compatible with the doctrine of manifest, With the squad due to leave on their Far East tour tomorrow morning, it is important that the Big Three's, With the new proposals we will sink even further into the mire with less and less control of our own, By accepting everyone's invitations, he makes other people the unwitting authors of his, She may the only woman I know who is capable of thwarting biological, Some people think it might have been fate or, At precisely the point of the peak of the roof, just a gentle puff of wind can determine the, It's gonna be tough to stay focussed on plumbing and tiling which is my true, Well, there were some presentiments of the rock 'n' roll, The economic success of professional Cubans, many of them children of Spaniards, ultimately transformed Miami's, We believe that peoples and nations have the right to determine their own, A key point for believers is that they also believe that practising their religion is directly linked with their, She was dark and exotic and not at all like the other girls in school, but, Nursing must act now in a unified voice with a resolved spirit to determine its own, Every race carries in its mental constitution the laws of its, Perhaps, but it'll more likely be the law of averages, a, Far more frightening to him than dangling from an ice-glazed yardarm 150 feet over the Southern Ocean was being unable to choose his own, The issue has echoes of the Arab world's historical struggle to assert its own, My stomach knots itself in fear as I wait for the appearance of a man who controls my, Victims of the whimsical monsoons and fickle market prices, these poor farmers have very little control over their, But Phillips sounds Whiggish indeed in regarding the three wars as building up to a global, Who now does the military two step, the foxtrot, the valetta, the quickstep, the, In a land of palm trees and a time of eternal summer, the, When they have lost all their money they will play for their houses, their land, and their wives even, whose, It exercises regulative rather than constitutive power, determining the, The depictions of corporeal decay delineate the, She burns through staffers and appears to have a megalomaniacal sense of her own, The transfer, which gives Iraqis official control over their own, But their inscription of the working class as the inheritors and fulfillers of the national, As the younger became more wilful and wayward, making the most of her privileged status, the elder became more withdrawn, worried about her, In such a situation, novels are read for the sheer delight of the plot twists, which often reflect the detours of our own, So her heroine begins as the deserted changeling waiting to be rescued, and goes through cycles of wickedness and distraction before finding her, In 1936, a chance meeting placed Johnson on the path to his, The me generation thought they had manifest, By the time the rain woke me the next morning my stomach rumbled like the epicentre of an earthquake and I realized I had no choice but to take, In my experience, secular Americans are as likely as religious Americans to believe that we are the rightful beneficiaries of some kind of manifest, With eight games remaining and only two away, the team's, Social atomism sees individual people as the fundamental particles, autonomous ultimate units in full charge of their, To be one's own master and to control one's own, We must do everything to help these people to protect their rights and independently determine their own, So the vision such nihilists offered 20 th-century man was of a, This is not to be confused with utopianism, nor with a doctrine of manifest, Great Scott, who would have thought that this would be the, In this untypical but engaging sports autobiography, he portrays himself as a man of, These vocal roulades evoke the little lad's vacancy as he travels through the night, knowing nothing of his, They are identified by palmists as head lines, heart lines, life lines, and fate or, Can one colour adequately depict the twists and turns of fate, the moments of chance and mis-chance, the shades of light and darkness that have shaped your, So we can say that in all his films the plot leads to a fatal end, a tragic, But, my dear lady, I wish to remain with you, to stay by your side and protect you in times of danger, and to assist you as you live out your, Finally when I did have to release a chocolate hostage, I mounted up and went to the bathroom to meet the defecatory, Couple walked towards the opposite end of the dungeon, where she previously played with, Could the unearthing of that page really have fated this, Asians have been intertwined with America's, I do not believe in the panentheistic idea that the creation is within God as a present reality, but I do believe in panentheism as an eschatological, The more I wrote about her sideshow behavior, the more I felt seeing it in person was my, Vietnamese Buddhists believe in reincarnation and karmic, I'm convinced now that the universe is out to get me, that somewhere karma, fate and, One also should consider the streetside pan-Africanism of politically charged music, reflecting a widespread sense of a shared, And despite heading for Kingfield three points adrift of the play-off places, Coleman believes the fixture list means the Reds still hold their, It gives a particular direction to every sentiment and action, and carries a man forward, as by a kind of resistless impulse, or insuperable, One answer resides in the belief, still ingrained in our civitas, that Americans have a shared sense of purpose and, He supposed what was troubling him was the question of fate, or, Although Colin Byrne was hooked on golf from an early age his transformation into one of the world's leading caddies was more accident than, How can any self-respecting member of council refuse to put Toronto on the international map with a world's fair so we can realize our, More people than ever are swapping their desk-bound jobs for a vocation that enables them to be hands-on, use their brain and be in charge of their own, Perhaps we are all just playing out our genetic, Hamlet refused to accept that heroism was his, According to Campbell, every hero encounters a wise mystic who helps him embrace his, Meeting his doom so, the great hazarder fulfils a, Watching this intense, vividly physicalized abstraction about body, mind, and personal, As I have shared with other students, in classical Greek, ananke means, In those grave, whiteless eyes and sad small mouth live the eternal sorrows and joys and the whole, In the end, I preferred Goblet of Fire because it's got that kind of cup of, There are also two pictures of Fortuna cranking her wheel of, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, an Indian nationalist leader, declared Swaraj as the, Anna, the map of her drift, and daily meteorological records, but the, His mother had huge ambitions, and encouraged him to believe it was his, The Persian king no longer controlled his own, In World War II, due to its art treasuries and the presence of the Vatican, Rome largely escaped the tragic, Despite the earthly powers of the Olympic gods, only the Three Fates set the, These narratives focus on human actors, with only occasional intervention from deities but a pervasive sense of divinely ordered, They come nowhence, and they go nowhither. Ese no es mi destino. But that hasn't been my destiny. Destiny Meaning in Urdu. Our destiny chooses us. (ˈdɛstɪnɪ ) noun Word forms: plural -nies. Find words for destiny in Spanish in this Spanish-English dictionary. During his sentence he has suffered increasing ill health including the amputation of both legs. 0 Towards 1818 Comte became associated as friend and disciple with Saint-Simon, who was destined to exercise a very decisive influence upon the turn of his speculation. A . These definitions, examples, and sentences using the words will explain fate vs destiny in simple terms. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. 265+9 sentence examples: 1. ्य में विश्वास का युग था . We are helpless in the face of destiny. The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined; one's lot. 🔊 Leaders have the ability to alter the destiny of millions, which is why elections ought to be taken seriously. There are always several meanings of each word in English, the correct meaning of Muqaddar in English is Destiny, and in Urdu we write it مُقدر. a sense of shared mission. Traducir destiny de Inglés a español. You are my sun and shade, my destiny.". The war with Mexico was also a product of the United States' belief of manifest destiny. Affirmative: All must submit to destiny. Here was a woman in control of herself and her destiny. But now I see them and all things as ever moving symbols of the motions of man's spirit and, By expressing the myths of having common descent and common, I recognise the first ambiguous monitions of the, Human impact can be an important factor in the shaping and, Dwelling in meisms or emotionalisms will ensure that you remain outside the realm of purpose and never reach in your purposed, It appealed to those in opposition of Calvinism, which includes the belief that the, Human life is sacred because it is made in the image of God and has an eternal, This childhood deliverance subsequently became part of the Wesley legend, attesting to his special, We are only a small and young nation, but we march with a union of hearts and souls to a common, Yet, in leaving, Judah removes himself not only from fraternal violence but from familial, So much has been said about Europe's long-awaited date with, Yorick scarce ever heard this sad vaticination of his, Here he reveals how the post-Empire experiences of both colonisers and colonised shaped Britain's, It was Darius''s son Xerxes''s eyes that had the stink of, E is lovestruck and hitches a ride on the spaceship sent to collect her, embarking on a journey that could alter the, Ahmet soaked up these new sounds with a fervor that set his, His style can be described as expressionistic, reflecting the, She was born into a legacy of magickal gifts and with a, He wants to foreground Luminism as an expression of manifest, According to Greek Mythology, Moirai were three white dressed women incarnating the, With the acquisition of a 34-acre property from the Cardone Family Trust, Medina Business Park's manifest, Then of course the product of the catalysis can desorb from the surface and get on with its, First, this is an antiastrology message. 0 Destiny followed her and Carmen pulled the chair beside her out so she could crawl into it. 2. the predetermined or inevitable course of events. Voy a cambiar mi vida y mi destino. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. ; Record yourself saying 'destiny' in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.You'll be able to mark your mistakes quite easily. The other meanings are Muqaddar, Naseeb and Bay Nawa. Conjugate the English verb destiny: indicative, past tense, participle, present perfect, gerund, conjugation models and irregular verbs. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. نصیب Naseeb تقدیر Taqdeer: Fate Destiny: (noun) the ultimate agency regarded as predetermining the course of events (often personified as a woman). 🔊, There is a destiny that leads our lives, whether we recognize it or not. The destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity. Hindi Translation of “destiny” | The official Collins English-Hindi Dictionary online. 3. the ultimate power or agency that predetermines the course of events. course of design. Negative: No one can escape his destiny. Destiny definition is - something to which a person or thing is destined : fortune. It's difficult to see destiny in a sentence . Tú eres mi sol y sombra, mi destino.". We searched the Internet for a good sentence rephraser, and altought we found many, none of it could rephrase paragraphs correctly. Synonym Discussion of destiny. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. The stars do not control our, In the simple fable about old age reconciling itself to memory and, Here is a child of three years old, and she cannot tell who made her! 2. Sentencedict.com is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentence examples for almost every word. 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