Mostly, the replica LV Speedy bags have their buckle too shiny, Remember to verify the “LOUIS VUITTON” text on the buttons of your LV Speedy bag. One specific thing about this picture has me questioning the bag come to think of it. Original LV products have a very round “O”; the two letters “T” don’t touch in the word “VUITTON”; and the “N”, “A” and “V” are quite pointy. How to Spot a Fake Louis Vuitton Bag 101 ǀ Speedy & Speedy Bandouliere | Detailed Side by Side Comparison - Sun Kissed Violet Louis Vuitton is the most counterfeited designer out there and the pre-loved market keeps growing and growing and it can be how to spot a fake speedy … Prefer having your items checked by one of our authenticators? Below are the top 5 indicators that can help you determine if you have a fake or original Louis Vuitton manufactured Speedy Bandouliere bag. Thank you. How to spot a fake Louis Vuitton Speedy & Speedy Bandouliere: Since the century, Louis Vuitton trunks have been. On the other hand, the authentic LV Speedy bag has its stitching on the handler looking thicker and shorter than the fake bag’s stitching. Gold or silver printing denotes a clear fake. What codes and markings should it have? How can I spot fake Louis Vuitton Speedy in 60 seconds? Original bags use brass or gold metal, but low quality replicas have these parts made out of plastic with a layer of gold paint over it. Apr 12, 2019 - Louis Vuitton is the most counterfeited designer out there and the pre-loved market keeps growing and growing and it can be very difficult to determine the authenticity sometimes. Spot the Fake Louis Vuitton Veau Cachemire Soft Lockit MM! As you can see in the real vs fake Louis Vuitton Speedy bag image above, we have pointed out how the fake LV Speedy bag has the “LV” printing on the replica Louis Vuitton Speedy bag is thicker than the lettering on the legit LV bag, which obviously, has the “LV” text thinner. I will start with the particularities of its lining. In the fake vs real Louis Vuitton Speedy bag image above, we have pointed out that the counterfeit LV Speedy bag appears to have its trademark inscription (®) looking different than the one on the legit LV Speedy bag. The bulk of fake Louis Vuitton you find on other resale sites will be of this class. Even the stitching is important. A real one should have the size of the bag, if it is a Speedy 40, it should say so in the tab – a fake would not. Read on for Ngo’s breakdown of how to spot a real Louis Vuitton Speedy bag. We've done that for you. It looks more like a replica than an authentic handbag. Ch David is the co-founder and CEO of Legit Check By Ch. Originally created for travelers in the 1930s – the name refers to the era’s rapid transit – every feature of the Speedy’s design is iconic, from its unmistakable shape to the rolled leather handles, engraved padlock and detachable strap. It occurs in four sizes: Speedy 25 (25 to 19 to 15 cm), 30 (30 21 to 17 cm), 35 (35 23 to 18 cm), 40 (40 by 25 by 19 cm). How To Spot Fake Louis Vuitton Speedy Bags. It looks real, but might be high quality replica. In fact, the authentic Louis Vuitton Speedy bag has a lot of space between the two numbers on the size tab, and the fake LV Speedy bags are most common to have little space between the letters, just as you can see in the real vs fake LV Speedy image above. Aug 3, 2020 - Explore CL&Me's board "Louis vuitton speedy bag" on Pinterest. On a second look (very long and hard look) I can see a very slight space between the “TT” which is correct. Ok I just found 30 on the back of my tag so that is there. Hello. As for the third step of the guide on how to spot fake Louis Vuitton Speedy bag, we are going to check the real vs fake LV Speedy bags for the text printed on the side of the Speedy bag, which indicates the size of the LV bag. I am confuse with your blog. If this is a fake it’s a darn good one. The placement of the numbers may differ on the authentic LV Speedy bags too, but it will never be as little as represented in the fake Louis Vuitton Speedy bag example above. Similar locations on a bag should have an identical stitching pattern. The hardware looks gold. This may just be due to flash from the camera or lighting in the room, but I wanted to point this out. I am not focusing solely on the letters or numbers even though the numbers do not seem to be evenly spaced which would concern me. As you can see in the Louis Vuitton Speedy fake vs real image above, we have pointed out at the fact that the stitches around the fake Louis Vuitton Speedy bag’s handler attachment seem to be way thicker than the stitching on the legit LV Speedy bag. As for the first step of the guide on how to spot fake Louis Vuitton Speedy bags, we are going to check out the real vs fake Louis Vuitton Speedy for the inscriptions on the exterior tab. Bad Louis Vuitton Monogram Speedy Bag. Another issue is that I can not see the “R” which would be in a circle above the “Louis Vuitton”. Most of the time, this text is flawed in terms of printing quality on the replica Louis Vuitton Speedy bags. You can easily notice in the fake vs real Louis Vuitton Speedy image below how for both the fake vs real LV Speedy bags, we have used the same size, which is 25, but that doesn’t mean these flaws that we are going to tell you won’t apply to the other sizes too because it is just a placement flaw. LOUIS VUITTON SPEEDY HOW TO SPOT A FAKE? Need our opinion over your item’s authenticity? LA is a factory code for USA made bags. Product is not available in this quantity. In fact, the authentic bag’s leather looks smoother than the leather on the fake bag, which appears to be too sharp. If you need help with the authentication of your Louis Vuitton Speedy bag, we’ve got you covered. We have arranged this article in an easy way to read and understand the flaws in the fake Louis Vuitton Speedy bags in just 5 simple spots to verify. Proven expertise, not self-claimed. Usually, the fake Louis Vuitton Speedy bags have their text looking too small and too deeply stamped into the metal carbines, Check the stitching on the handler of your Louis Vuitton Speedy bag. This is because Louis Vuitton uses one continuous piece of leather that when wrapped from the front side to the backside the LV monogram becomes upside down. We said it previously, but we have to mention again the fact that the inscriptions on this tab that we are going to analyze on the fake vs real LV Speedy bags is the best indicator of a fake LV bag. The insides of a Monogram Speedy bag are always a little bit tricky and here’s why. When you are shopping for a Louis Vuitton handbag whether it be real or fake make sure you check to the handles for the color to get an idea of the quality of the bag. I will say that the leather tag has the proper patina (honey-colored) and the heat embossing has the correct placement. Check the leather tab on one end of the Speedy. It would be a Japanese superfake if not authentic. If you are buying a fake the buyer or company should mention that the handles are made of … Ciao 🙂. Where? But I do believe it is a replica. Is it just me or do these letters and and numbers point to this bag being a fake?! Feb 13, 2018 - Explore Violet | Beauty and Lifestyle 's board "How to spot a Fake Louis Vuitton", followed by 2582 people on Pinterest. Any metal clasps, buttons, zippers, plates or locks will have a number or the Louis Vuitton name printed on it. For the fourth step of the real vs fake Louis Vuitton Speedy bag authentication process, we are going to check the “LV” printing on the zippers of the LV bags. Usually the edges of the leather tags are cut cleanly on authentic LV handbags, and I am pretty sure that leather will never start to fray like this. Your bag is a fake. Any other kind of lining means it isn’t real. Without any further ado, let’s jump straight into the fake vs real LV Speedy legit check guide. Find out the difference and how to be your own authenticator when buying pre-loved! As you can see in the real vs fake Louis Vuitton Speedy bag image above, the counterfeit LV Speedy bag has the “LOUIS VUITTON” text on the carbines looking smaller and more deeply imprinted into the metal than the authentic Louis Vuitton Speedy bag’s “LOUIS VUITTON” text. Besides the trademark symbol on the real vs fake Louis Vuitton Speedy bags above, we have also pointed out how the replica LV bag has its “LOUIS VUITTON PARIS made in France” printing on the tab looking way too thin compared to the legit LV bag’s text. There are situations where you may be unable to go through each detailed step explained above when you need to authenticate your Louis Vuitton Speedy Bandouliere bag. It isn’t available in dark brown.  A Monogram Speedy must have a brown cotton canvas lining regardless of its manufacturing year. Need to feel the texture and color of the leather, and the only way to do it is to actually hold the bag and “feel” the leather. The “A” at the end of USA seems a bit off maybe. Nowadays, replica manufacturers have perfected their designs so well that it is almost impossible to differentiate a well-made fake from the original product. Indeed, the origins of Louis Vuitton are in France, but for over 25 years it has also been manufacturing products in USA, Spain, Germany and Italy. They can actually patina the leather correctly and make the canvas or leather look appropriately aged and add signs of everyday use/wear and tear. On the monogram and Damier azur models, the glue around the handles should be a deep red not bright red. This is the type of fake that can be authenticated by someone without a deep understanding of Louis Vuitton. This colour will deepen over time and may even appear almost brown. It’s the “R” in Paris that gives it away. Everything is pointing towards real except for the T’s they look close to me. In the fake vs real Louis Vuitton Speedy bag image above, we have pointed out how the fake LV Speedy bag has its stitching on the handler looking too thin and too short. Identify fake Louis Vuitton bags by studying the shade of the trim You can easily tell a fake Louis Vuitton bag from an original one from the shade of the trim. All these details matter and it will help you determine if the bag is original or not. You should see "#30" engraved into the leather, not printed. I attach image from closet full of cash with tag pictures side by side. In the image with the fake vs real Louis Vuitton Speedy bags above, we have pointed out how the fake bag has its stitching on the strap looking once again too thin and too long. Usually, the fake LV Speedy bags have their text too thick, Lastly, have a look at the quality of the leather on your LV Speedy bag. The quickest way to spot fake Louis Vuitton Speedy bags is to check the labeled “LOUIS VUITTON PARIS made in France” printing and the stitching near it on the tab. The Legit Check By Ch Price Comparison App. Firstly, the registered trademark symbol (®) is slightly smaller on the authentic Louis Vuitton. How to spot fake Louis Vuitton Speedy bags, Step 1: Check the inscriptions on the exterior tab, Step 2: Inspect the stitching on the attachment of the handler on your LV bag, Step 3: Verify the size print on your LV Speedy, Step 4: Look at the zippers of your Louis Vuitton Speedy bag, Step 5: Real vs fake Louis Vuitton Speedy carbines printing, Step 6: Verify the stitching on the handler of your LV Speedy bag, Step 7: Louis Vuitton Speedy bag fake vs real strap, Step 8: Look at the buckle of your LV Speedy, Step 9: Real vs fake Louis Vuitton Speedy bag buttons, Step 10: Check the quality of the leather on your Louis Vuitton Speedy bag. For example, on a Speedy the leather tab where the handles attach onto the bag should have 5 identical and even stitches. LV has never used this type of lining on its Speedy Monogram models, not even on the vintage ones. Literally, Louis Vuitton has put his name on every important part of its bags and the hardware is no exception. This post will guide … Real LV Speedy is soft, supple & … Hi can you please help me authenticate, was sold to me at a estate sale and told me my was 100% authentic, Hi I would like to know if my speedy 25 is authentic, I want to know if my bag is a fake or authentic, Hey Kate, it’s hard to tell from this picture. We will continue to update this article as better and newer comparisons are put out. It does not appear to be authentic. No part of such a purse is allowed to feel cheap or to be made from a plastic material. In today’s post from the cycle of how to distinguish fake from the original, I wanted to introduce you to the bag Louis Vuitton Speedy. Most of the time, the fake LV Speedy bags have their stitching on the strap looking too thin and short as well, Make sure to look at the buckle of your bag. A majority of replicas color the hardware and it looks very shiny and yellowish like gold. Ciao 🙂. That brings us to the end of our real vs fake Louis Vuitton Speedy Bandouliere bag legit check guide. As Cher said below, those two things were points of contention for me. In the image with the real vs fake Louis Vuitton Speedy bags above, we have pointed out how the leather on the fake bag has a different texture than the leather on the authentic bag. Assess the condition, workmanship and price of the bag. Dec 7, 2018 - Louis Vuitton is the most counterfeited designer out there and the pre-loved market keeps growing and growing and it can be very difficult to determine the authenticity sometimes. Besides, the stitching is too thick on the fake LV bags to some times, Verify the stitching on the attachment of the handler on your Louis Vuitton Speedy. Is it a model with a d-ring inside? Usually, the fake bags have their stitching too thin and short, Verify the stitching on the strap of your LV Speedy bag. You can easily notice how the authentic Louis Vuitton Speedy bag has its “®” character looking smaller than the fake LV Speedy’s. How to spot a fake bag is not very hard but at the same time there are quite a few things to look at when you’re trying to see if it is a authentic or a fake. In fact, the fake Louis Vuitton Speedy bag’s poor printing is due to the depth of the text which isn’t as deep as the authentic LV bag’s text. Review of the Adorable Louis Vuitton Speedy 25 | Lollipuff The Louis Vuitton monogram Speedy bag is one of speedy louis vuitton occasion the most iconic bags and has had countless fans for many years. One of its first fans was the beautiful and classy Audrey Hepburn! It looks so good but now I am concerned mine i a really good fake! Before everything, we are going to have a quick look at the reference real vs fake Louis Vuitton Speedy bag image below. The main issue I see is the fraying around the edges of the “leather” tags. The lining of the Monogram speedy will always be a mid-brown canvas and the Damier Ebene print is a red canvas. Let’s look at why I think this bag is not a Japanese Super fake and is in fact an AUTHENTIC LOUIS VUITTON SPEEDY. Among all the Louis Vuitton Bags, Speedy and Speedy Bandouliere bags are the most classic and popular bag of all time. For the tenth and the last step of the guide on how to spot fake LV Speedy bags, we will have to look at the real vs fake Louis Vuitton Speedy bags for the quality of the leather. See more ideas about Louis vuitton, Vuitton, Louis vuitton speedy bag. There is indeed a fabric called Alcantara that resembles a lot to suede, but it isn’t actually suede and its specific color is a grey mushroom color. Where can I get my Louis Vuitton Speedy bag authenticated? And last, but not least Louis Vuitton Speedy bags are very expensive products and everything about it needs to feel of very good quality. The original bag has a brown cotton canvas, but on replicas you will find many variations for this very simple and common brown cotton canvas lining. For Speedy bags, it’s on the “tongue” on the edge of the bag; for Speedy Bandouliere, it’s on the bottom of the vachetta on the side where the straps are connected to the bag. The results will also come with a report on why we believe your LV bag is fake or authentic. In many cases these bags are replicated to look old and can throw even a well trained authenticator off. For the ninth method on how to spot fake Louis Vuitton Speedy bags, we are going to check out the real vs fake LV Speedy bags for the buttons. An Authentic vs. 2 Louis Vuitton Empreinte Speedy Bandouliere. Should it have feet or not? The Louis Vuitton Speedy Bandouliere 30 is an iconic handbag that has become a symbol of style all over the world. Hi, I would just like to respond. This could be an optics issue due to the camera or lighting, but some letters don’t seem to be as legible or deeply embossed into the leather. In this real vs fake Louis Vuitton Speedy bag legit check guide, we have linked images with the comparison of the fake vs real LV Speedy bags in order for you to understand the flaws on the fake Louis Vuitton bags easier. I’m thinking to buy this bag but worry it is a fake one. However, as with any Louis Vuitton bag, you have to be careful – … I believe that it could be possible for the heat embossing to wear down under certain conditions so maybe it tells us nothing. Most people who are familiar with general fashion will be able to tell that it is fake just by touch and feel alone! One of the first things we always look at is the font of the heat … Discover Louis Vuitton Speedy Bandoulière 30: The Speedy Bandoulière 30 in signature Monogram canvas is an ideal city bag for every day. An original bag will have even and regular stitching. Ciao 🙂. The authentic ones will run closer to burgundy (but not quite) while counterfeits will usually be a brighter shade of red. Dimensions for that Louis Vuitton Speedy bags: Speedy 25 - 9.85 x 7.5 x 6 inches. A real bad would simply say where it was made on the tag and no where else on it. It must be made from high quality fabrics and to feel nice and refined. It does not have size of bag as in 25 30 35 etc. If A New Comment Is Posted:Do Not Send Email Notifications.Send Email Notification ONLY If Someone Replies To My Comment(s).Send Email Notification Whenever A New Comment Is Posted. So much, i wish so much, i will attach a photo if. Most people who are familiar with general fashion will be able to tell it. And Speedy Bandouliere bags are replicated to look old and can throw even a well trained authenticator off,. Sale refers back to the end of USA seems a bit off.. You please tell me if mine is real or not the results will also come with a report why... 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