The Blackstone and its tributaries provide considerable water power; and there are various manufactures, including cotton goods, silk goods, and horse-shoes and other iron ware. And experiments in morality (apart from the inconvenient practical consequences likely to ensue) are useless for purposes of ethics, because the moral consciousness would itself at one and the same time be required to make the experiment and to provide the subject upon which the experiment is performed. The conceptions indicated by Galton have been extended and added to by Karl Pearson, who has also developed the theory of chance so as to provide a means of describing many series of complex results in a simpler and more accurate way than was hitherto possible. The vital point being transport, means had been taken to provide three alternatives to man-haulage. Sheep-farming and cattle-raising are carried on very generally, and, with the fisheries, provide the main occupation of the inhabitants, though they profit not a little from the tourists who flock to many of the islands throughout the summer. Computer-printed, indexed abstracting journals provide a means of keeping users informed of primary information sources. Thus, whilst the mass of the people practically still continued in heathendom, the apostle was enabled to found churches and schools and educate a priesthood which should provide the most effective and certain means of conversion. Meaning: [prə'vaɪd] v. 1. provide or furnish with 2. provide what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance 3. determine (what is to happen in certain contingencies), especially by including a proviso condition or stipulation … Striking examples of the far-reaching effect of such laws is shown in the history of the Rocky Mountain region and western coast of the United States, the colonization and development of Australia, and the development of Alaska. The colonial dining rooms provide guests a glimpse of history as they enjoy breakfast. They also provide an environment conducive to the use of natural pest control. It makes me translate and proofread faster and my output more reliable. The Sudan judicial codes, based in part on those of India and in part on the principles of English law and of Egyptian commercial law, provide for the recognition of " customary law " so far as applicable and " not repugnant to good conscience.". The top of the wall has a row of large stones to provide access to tend the bed. The pan proper is surmounted by a great cone or hopper called a curb, to provide for the foaming up of the boiling mass and to prevent loss from overflowing. Any surplus of revenue beyond that necessary to provide 4% interest and I% sinking fund was to be handed over to the government. The mature females lay their eggs in the water, and the newly-hatched larvae provide themselves with cases made of various particles such as grains of sand, pieces of wood or leaves stuck together with silk secreted from the salivary glands of the insect. It doesn't take much ice to give you a bomber, a firm hold, provide you set your angle right. Along with all the new action comes the inevitable falls and bumps, which means I'm back to having to watch him closely all the time again. Frequently aesthetic motives provide no inspiration for action. Our core service is utilizing our accountancy and business expertise to provide pragmatic, technically correct and honest advice. The estates loyally supported him against the attempted exactions of the popes, and do not seem to have objected to any of his reforms, chief among which was the army-reform project of 1435, to provide for the better defence of the land against the Turks. The grounds for a divorce are adultery, incompetency at the time of marriage, sentence to imprisonment for a term of three years or more, abandonment without just cause for two years, habitual drunkenness, extreme cruelty, and refusal or neglect of the husband to provide a suitable maintenance for his wife. It was only in years when the harvest was most favourable that AustriaHungary was able to provide for her own requirements in corn; for export purposes only barley was of considerable importance, while wheat, and above all, of recent years, maize had to be imported. sentencing: an overview. When the immediate disciples of the saint had become an order bound by the religious vows, it became necessary to provide for the great body of laity, married men and women, who could not leave the world or abandon their avocations, but still were part of the Franciscan movement and desired to carry out in their lives its spirit and teaching. Under it the cost of the necessary land was to be found as to one-third by the state and as to the residue locally, but this arrangement proved unworkable and was abandoned in 1845, when it was settled that the state should provide the land and construct the earthworks and stations, the various companies which obtained concessions being left to make the permanent way, provide rolling stock and work the lines for certain periods. She felt the thick, long proof of his arousal hard against her belly, but his effort to provide comfort rather than tend his own pleasure made her feel even safer in her killer's arms. 4 Which of these sentences could best follow sentence 13 and provide additional support for the main idea of the third paragraph (sentences 10-14)? The latter will provide the required copyright acknowledgments to be stated alongside reproduced materials. A primary law enacted in 1905 authorizes the county convention of any party to provide for the nomination of candidates for county offices and the state legislature by direct vote. Was he also instructed to provide her with entertainment? The building remained till 1784, when it was nearly demolished to provide stones for a new parish church. In this manner he was able to provide means for locating an invisible sending station. laborers and small shop-keepers who formed the first nucleus of the reformed church were numerous enough to provide an army of martyrs, though too few to form a party. Use "i.e. " Five large seating areas in the main dining room provide ample spots for large groups. Its primary purpose was to embody in statutory form the commonlaw principle of equal treatment under like circumstances, and to provide machinery for enforcement. However, much of the work on transferable skills has largely failed to provide an approach which has gained widespread acceptance. The amendment of 1908 also permits the legislature to provide for the registration of electors in incorporated cities and villages. or Is John here? Cardboard fillers are used which provide a separate compartment for each egg. He knows how badly I wanted a baby, and it hurts him to think that he can't provide one. By using locally indigenous species we can promote hedgerow restoration and creation throughout the area to provide visual and ecological links between existing and proposed woodland areas. Neither of these is much grown in Great Britain for the production of oil, but the "winter" variety is very extensively grown as green food for sheep. In these cases, conditional clauses can begin with phrases such as as long as, so long … Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Of course, she was going to be a pet, but a pet that size would also provide protection to a degree. The climatic conditions are not so favourable as in Argentina, but these are counterbalanced to some extent by the great river system of the Orinoco, whose large navigable tributaries cross the plains from end to end, and whose smaller streams from the surrounding highlands provide superior opportunities for water storage and irrigation. It could most easily make them useful to gain the influence and support which it needed, and to provide for the public functions which fell to its share, by employing the precarium tenure. In Scotland the public greens are selfsupporting, from a charge, which includes the use of bowls, of one penny an hour for each player; in London the upkeep of the greens falls on the rates, but players must provide their own bowls. Thus Portugal in 1807, like Venice in 1797, was to provide the means for widely extending the operations of his statecraft. Which sentence in the last paragraph provides a clue to the meaning of the word slaughtered? He was the first to foretell with clearness the return of his people from captivity foreshadowed by Jeremiah, and he set himself the task even in 1 Thus in comparison with the " book of the covenant," Deuteronomy adds the stipulation in reference to the release of the slave; that his master was to provide him liberally from his flocks, his corn and his wine (Deut. Freehold with vacant possession. These regulations provide carefully and well for all contingencies, but unfortunately they were only very partially carried out. "The generations of Esau, the same is Edom," provide much valuable material for the study of Israel's rival (xxxvi.). We chose a seafood establishment where we knew a back booth would provide the privacy we needed for our important postponed conversation. The sparsely populated country afforded a welcome to the fugitive Waldenses, who did something to restore it to prosperity, but this benefit was partly neutralized by the extravagance of the duke, anxious to provide for the expensive tastes of his mistress, Christiana Wilhelmina von Gravenitz. Formerly import duties were payable in currency, but in 1899 it was decided to collect 10% of them in gold to provide the government with specie for its foreign remittances. The average number of seals killed annually is about 33,000.1 The 1 Owing to representations of the Swedish government in 1874 as to the killing of seals at breeding time on the east coast of Greenland, and the consequent loss of young seals left to die of starvation, the Seal Fisheries Act 1875 was passed in England to provide for the establishment of a close time for seal fishery in the seas in question. His adversary had perforce to disperse the defending troops, so that on the morning when the land campaign started two of the Turkish divisions (3rd and lath) were watching the outer coast on the Asiatic side, two (5th and 7th) were near Bulair to provide against a landing at the neck of the Peninsula, while the remaining two (9th and 19th) under Essad Pasha guarded the places where, in the event, the Allied army made its appearance. She sank into it, unaware a bed was able to provide that level of comfort. As, however, they had taken no effectual measures to provide a mobile force they were disappointed. The latter system gave the simplest and most obvious answer to the inquiry after ultimate good for man; but besides being liable, when developed consistently, to offend the common moral consciousness, it conspicuously failed to provide the " completeness " and " security " which, as Aristotle says, " one divines to belong to man's true 'Good. 92. The Jacob story, taken together with the broader patriarchal narrative, does provide a basis for such a judgment. The numerous affluents of these rivers, such as the Lys, Dyle, Dender, Ourthe, Ambleve, Vesdre, Lesse and Semois, provide a system of waterways almost unique in Europe. Its episcopate in the 10th century still numbered thirty members, but in 1076 the Church could not provide three bishops to consecrate a new member of the episcopate, and for that purpose Gregory VII. : After the use of ice caps for some days it is well to provide cool bathing for the head, at least three times daily. METER In the public supply of electric energy for lighting and power it is necessary to provide for the measurement of the electric energy or quantity by devices which are called electric meters. All choirs are expected to provide their own accompanist. To provide teachers six normal schools have been established, two of which (one for males and one for females) are in Lima. Every member of the congregation of Israel must labour, as God has appointed, at some handicraft or profession to provide for his home. ELECTRIC. The first step making for security was to build a fleet strong enough to provide against the anarchical condition of those parts; but this implied a direct attack not only upon the Crimean khan, who was mainly responsible for the conduct of the Volgan hordes, but upon the khan's suzerain, the Turkish sultan. He showed that assigning meaning to the sign of an otherwise homogenous representation of geometry could provide a multitude of benefits. Ultimately, workhouses would provide shelter to more than one hundred thousand paupers. Within ten years she had created 17 counts, 46 barons and 428 lesser nobles; and, to provide these new peers with adequate appanages, she had sold or mortgaged crown property representing an annual income of 1,200,000 rix-dollars. To provide you with an heir - or to keep me in line? Unless new discoveries provide the clue, or some reasonable explanation can otherwise be found, there seems to be no reason why we should not regard the " sayings " as containing material which ought to be taken into account in the critical study of the teaching of Jesus. Passenger steamers sail from the port of London to the principal ports of she British Isles and northern Europe, and to all parts of the world, but the most favoured passenger services to and from Europe and North America pass through other ports, to which the railways provide special services of trains from London. On account of glacial disturbance of the drainage, Wisconsin's many streams provide water-powers of great value that have contributed much to the industrial prosperty of the state. 52. This failed for several reasons, the foremost being that the language was not Arabic but Phoenician, and because professors and teachers, whose personal ascendancy was based on the official prominence of Italian, did not realize that educational institutions existed for the rising generation rather than to provide salaries for alien teachers and men behind the times. For reasons of health it may be assumed that no system of heating is advisable which does not provide for a constant renewal of the air in the locality warmed. provide a modality. Definition of Impetus. The mining laws of most civilized states grant the right of free prospecting over the public lands, protect the rights of the discoverer of the mineral deposit during the period of exploration, and provide for the acquisition of mineral property on favourable terms. provide a capability. In this emergency assignats were issued to provide a substitute for a metallic currency. There are besides about 128 private (occasionally aided) schools of similar character, owners of plantations on which there are more than ten children being obliged to provide school accommodation. I can then provide copies of the audited accounts for anyone who asks for them. They also provide a medium which is readily accessible to most students in their own rooms. provide a median. I don't understand what that means, Father. Barton, A Text-Book on Sound (1908), aims to provide students with a text-book on sound, embracing both its experimental and theoretical aspects. But the fact that every arm was needed for the raids on the frontier, and to provide settlers who should also be garrison for the regained lands, worked for freedom. In Germany, moreover, the military system " did not provide for fixed numbers annually, but increased the numbers each year.". While it is always desirable to provide large working-places, the size of the working-place is limited by the thickness and Size of strength of the overlying beds forming the roof Working- or hanging wall of the mine. They do not represent the opinions of Sir, it's not been my experience to provide my opinion. If he had a strong passion, it was to provide for his succession to the throne of France, if his nephew, Louis XV., should die, and he indulged in many intrigues against the house of Orleans, whose right to the succession was supposed to be secured by Philip's solemn renunciation of all claim to the French throne, when he became king of Spain. She alone could provide insight into what he needed to do. Humor will break up the solemnity of an occasion, or provide a welcome moment of light relief. in a sentence both the letters 'e' and 'g' should be lowercase. Brady walked the area between the double walls, looking for anything or anyone in a large enough piece to provide clues as to what was going on. Provide details and share your research! The object of the Bureau is to make and provide prototypes of the metre and kilogramme, for the various subscribing countries. The assignment of genii to buildings and gates is connected with an important class of sacrifices; in order to provide a tutelary spirit, or to appease chthonic deities, it was often the custom to sacrifice a human being or an animal at the foundation of a building; sometimes we find a similar guardian provided for the frontier of a country or of a tribe. To sum up: an attempt has been made, it is hoped with some success, to provide a framework of history equipped with dates from the time of St Peter's arrest by Herod Agrippa I. This solution, we believe, will provide enormous leverage for a more efficient and responsive infrastructure and opportunities for a smaller stockpile. I don't need to tell you that any further assistance I provide you will not be by my choice. Two great dams on the river (one built by the Federal government) provide good water power. 21) mentions the gift of a Ouµaari pcov by the contemporary Chosroes of Persia to the church of Jerusalem; and all the Oriental liturgies of this period provide special prayers for the thurification of the eucharistic elements. This may consist simply in attaching one end of the wire to an index lever and the other to a fixed support, or the elongation of the wire may cause a rotation in a mirror from which a ray of light is reflected, and the movement of this ray over a scale will then provide the necessary means of indication. After a short prayer, the abbot committed the guest to the care of the brother hospitaller, whose duty it was to provide for his wants and conduct the beast on which he numerary monks. The Education Ministry wants to provide pre-school education, especially of the English language, at anganwari centres.. Check whether or not parents are able to provide a bilingual dictionary for the student. Antonym: consume . The earl of Gowrie's palace, built in 1520, stood in spacious grounds near the river and was removed in 1805 to provide room for the county buildings. The sophistical movement was then, primarily, an attempt to provide a general or liberal education which should supplement the customary instruction in reading, writing, gymnastic and music. It is generally convenient to keep the inwards and the outwards traffic distinct and to deal with the two classes separately; at junction stations it may also be necessary to provide for the transfer of freight from one wagon to another, though the bulk of goods traffic is conveyed through to its destination in the wagons into which it was originally loaded. There are fertile valleys in the vicinity which provide the city's markets with fruit and vegetables, while the vineyards of Camargo (formerly known as Cinti), in the southern part of the department, supply wine and spirits of excellent quality. require a means. When I feel like I can't trust my brain 100%, Ludwig really comes in handy. Provided means if something happens. The setting and sheer abundance of game conspire to provide an unforgettable wildlife experience. What's the meaning of “provide the means”? The harbour is fortified, and there is a small lighthouse on the eastern mole; important engineering works, subsidized by the state, were undertaken in 1902 to provide better accomodation. The government offered a bonus to those owners of creameries who would provide cold-storage accommodation at them and keep the room in use for a period of three years. On reaching Constantinople, Oleg disembarked his forces, mercilessly ravaged the suburbs of the imperial city, and compelled the emperor to pay tribute, provide the Russians with provisions for the return journey, and take fifty of them over the city. As philosopherJohn Lockepointed out three centuries ago, the achievement of human knowledge is often hampered by the use of words without fixed signification. The General Assembly may also provide for the consolidation of two or more counties if a majority of the voters concerned approve, " but such election shall not be held oftener than once in four years in the same counties.". Urban was vain, self-willed and extremely conscious of his position; he accepted the papacy chiefly as a temporal principality, and made it his first care to provide for its defence and to render it formidable. 1 with object Make available for use; supply. ; he ceded to the demands of Beaumarchais that France should secretly provide the Americans with arms and volunteers. Both the grinding and polishing tools are grooved, to obtain a uniform distribution of the emery used in the grinding process and of the rouge employed in polishing, as also to provide for the lateral expansion of the pitch with which the polisher is coated. We can distinguish disputes of three sorts: 1. Public schools, and private schools aided by provincial grants provide elementary education for white children. Beading wire is used throughout to provide strength and durability. A complete sentence has at least a subject and a main verb to state (declare) a complete thought. Agrippa's first care was to provide a safe harbour for his ships, which he accomplished by cutting through the strips of land which separated the Lacus Lucrinus from the sea, thus forming an outer harbour; an inner one was also made by joining the lake Avernus to the Lucrinus (Dio Cassius xlviii. In return the company was to take to New France 300 colonists a year; only French Catholics might go; and for each settlement the company was to provide three priests. Methodism grew rapidly, and it became essential to provide its people with the sacraments. In 1893 an act was passed by parliament giving the Board power to interfere if or when representations are made to them by or on behalf of any servant or class of servants of a railway company that the hours of work are unduly long, or do not provide sufficient intervals of uninterrupted rest between the periods of duty, or sufficient relief in respect of Sunday duty. Two companies provide Bangkok with a complete system of electric tramways, and the streets are lined with shade-trees and lit by electricity. These definitions provide a basis on which the calibration of amperemeters can be conducted. The constitution of 1848 made it the duty of the state to provide free primary secular education, but it allowed to members of all creeds the liberty of establishing private schools, and this was carried into effect by a law passed in 1857 by the joint efforts of the liberals and Catholics against the opposition of the orthodox Calvinists. Admitting the identification, we may perhaps conclude that the temple was repaired in order to provide a temporary home for the venerated image and other sacred objects; no traces of a restoration exist, but the walls probably remained standing after the Persian conflagration. Nor was it possible to provide it with what could properly be called a sequel. In other words, civil government steps in to take over roles traditionally provided by private charity only when charities no longer provide the service. Parents are expected to provide their children with enough crayons to last them all school year. Ice to give you a bomber, a firm hold, provide for him working. At short intervals throughout the day with refreshments available at all times. ’ provide. Posts, called militiae equestres knowledge is often hampered by the Federal government ) provide good water power provide the means in a sentence â€... Which someone for some reason had to provide the means of keeping users informed of primary information sources at of... But the concessionaire must provide an important geographical unit, but they also provide a source of livelihood to Mississippi... Amusement which someone for some reason had to attend the camp and provide separate! 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