He’s trying to climb up the pipe!” It was then that the explainer in me wanted to jump in and say, actually, no. The sea otter (Enhydra lutris) is a marine mammal native to the coasts of the northern and eastern North Pacific Ocean. Also found along the west coast of Scotland. These animals are the smallest of marine animals, and they were once hunted almost to the point of extinction. Their front paws are used to find prey in the dark murky water, with their whiskers helping them with this task. What does an Otter eat? River otters live most of their lives on solid ground and use the water to travel and find food. For other uses, see Sea otter (disambiguation). Reproduction Sea Otters and Polar Bears: Marine Fissipeds. Because Sea Otters spend so much time in cold waters, they have a very dense layer of fur as opposed to a thick blubber layer like whales, sea lions and seals. Fanshawe and her colleagues found that red abalone were far more abundant at the sites without sea otters than at those with the otters: there were about seven times more of the abalone in the “deep” zones (15.6 vs 2.2 per study plot), and nearly 20 times more in the “shallow” zones (17.5 vs … Sea otters did not have the thick layer of blubber common to most other marine mammals and needed for insulation against the cold waters. Sea Otters have fully webbed, long, flat hind feet which they use to swim. River otters live in dens, which they can make themselves in shrubbery or along riverbanks—and they are also happy to take up residence in abandoned beaver, badger, fox or rabbit dwellings. Inland, they’re found in lowland marshes and swamps, streams and small lakes. When you come to the Seattle Aquarium, you may be lucky enough to see Molalla “squeegee-ing” the water from his fur against one of the exhibit’s hard surfaces. The Sea Otter's scientific name is Enhydra lutris, which means "otter that lives in the water". Many people don’t know the difference between sea otters and river otters—but, with a little info, you’ll be able to tell right away. Sea otters, as the name suggests, are marine animals, and they live just off the coasts of the Northern and Eastern Pacific Ocean. The fur has long waterproof hairs which lie over a layer of short underfur which insulates the sea otters body. The marine otter (Lontra felina) is a rare and relatively unknown South American mammal of the weasel family (Mustelidae). Their muscular tails, which are short and thick, steer them like a rudder when swimming and help with balance on land. Pups stay with their mothers for about six months. They are both fissipeds, “split-footed” members of the order Carnivora, and are more closely related to terrestrial carnivores, like weasels, than seals or … Get news and updates delivered to your inbox, Privacy & Terms© 2021, Seattle Aquarium is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit. The sea otter is known for its unusual "backstroke." The sure way to differentiate between the two is the fact that on the surface of the water river otters swim with their belly facing downwards,  their bodies almost submerged, but sea otters do backstroke while floating fairly high above the surface of the water. Polar bear cub Kaktovik, Alaska. The variety in the sea otter diet reduces competition between benthic grazers and supports greater diversity in those species. • Use a Venn diagram to illustrate similarities and differences between the two marine mammals. Otters usually eat crustaceans, fish, frog, rodents, and the marine invertebrates with hard shells like crab, mussels, etc. Here are a few to get you started, plus some basic information about how they fit into the otter pet trade: 1. The Marine Mammal Center. Click here for a brochure on the differences between sea otters and river otters. These animals spend most of the time in the water, but they can move around on the land also. River otters in our region, on the other hand, are found all over Washington state and are commonly seen in pond and stream habitats as well as Puget Sound. A sea otter! Like many land mammals, river otters use their fur coats to keep warm. Sea otters (Enhydra lutris) are the smallest of all marine mammals and are members of the weasel family. Sea otters spend most of their time in the water, only occasionally climbing onto land, but river otters stay on land for the majority of the time and go swimming in order to find prey. I just got clan farm a few minutes ago, and I'm waiting for 300 clams so I can get urchin farm. Sea otters are strong and seasoned swimmers, and they maneuver themselves with ease in the water, using their feet and tails expertly. The sea otter spends most of its time in the water but, in some locations, comes ashore to sleep or rest. Unlike many species of weasels, scientists believe the marine otter to be monogamous. They also scavenge for garbage, bringing them into close contact with people. To facilitate this they have loose skin, and they are flexible and supple so they can reach the fur on all parts of their bodies. The sea otter is, however, still an endangered species and their health is constantly monitored. The otters belong to the weasel family Mustelidae. Sea otter: Illegal to own under the Marine Animal Protection Act. The Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris) is the smallest marine mammal in North America – males measure 1.2 metres in length and weigh an average of 45 kilograms (females are a bit smaller).At the same time, the Sea Otter is the largest member of its family, the mustelids, which includes River Otters, weasels, badgers, wolverines and martens. There are 13 types of otter in total, but some are more common than others. River otters need to groom their fur frequently to maintain its water resistance and insulating properties. Sea otters vs. river otters Many people don’t know the difference between sea otters and river otters — but, with a little info, you’ll be able to tell right away. Otter spraints are messy smudges with a distinct, not unpleasant smell, and contain bones and fish scale remains. Their fur actually consists of two layers, an undercoat and longer guard hairs. These fun-loving, raucous boys spend a great deal of time on land exploring, searching for food, clowning around and generally having a great time—much to the delight of our visitors. As already mentioned, sea otters and river otters are members of the weasel family which, perhaps surprisingly, also includes badgers, minks, wolverines, skunks, and, of course, weasels. Based on the sequence data presented here, our results suggest that otters are divided into three primary clades that include: (1) the North American river, neotropical and marine otters; (2) the sea, Eurasian, spotted‐necked, cape clawless and small‐clawed otters; and (3) the giant otter. Their diet consists mostly of shellfish and other marine invertebrates like mussels, clams, snails, abalone, and sea urchins. Upon returning to the surface, they float on their backs, with the rock on the stomachs. Sea Otter vs Beaver: Fight Comparison (Beaver vs Otter) If we compare a beaver with an otter, the beaver is largest and has sharp teeth and more mass that will help to attack its opponent. On the other hand, the saltwater otters are well-acquainted with marine life and don’t like to leave the sea even for hunting. Adult sea otters typically weigh between 14 and 45 kg (31 and 99 lb), making them the heaviest members of the weasel family, but among the smallest marine mammals. The other, much smaller otter breed is the Marine Otter, whose population lives on the coasts of Peru and Chile. Then in 1914 a remnant population of about 50 southern sea otters was found along the rugged Big Sur shoreline. Sea otters are a keystone species, meaning their role in their environment has a greater effect than other species. Marine otters are foraging predators that eat a wide variety of prey. The southern sea otter was widely believed to be extinct due to the expansive fur trade of the 18th and 19th centuries, which reduced the global population from between 150,000 and 300,000 to roughly 2,000. The two types of otter are similar in appearance, both with thick coats and long, muscular tails, and they both have webbed feet. Sea otters are members of the weasel or mustelid family. Do you know that sea otter is that it has a very high metabolism and can eat about 25% of the weight of their body? These animals are the smallest of marine animals, and they were once hunted almost to the point of extinction. Male northern fur seals are up to six times larger than females. The marine otter is larger than the Eurasian Otter. Sea otters are foragers that eat mostly hard-shelled invertebrates, including sea urchins and a variety of clams, mussels, and crabs. This system traps a layer of air next to their skin so their skin does not get wet. They are the heaviest member of the weasel family, Even though they are the second smallest marine mammal. These are river otters. There are only a handful of non-primate species known to use tools, including dolphins and octopuses. SEA OTTERS FAST FACTS. In fact, this fur is the most abundant among all animals on earth. Sea otters prey on sea urchins, thereby preventing sea urchins from overgrazing the kelp forest. However, science and conservation-based management decisions began about 60 years ago, and much of the research on sea otters in the United States has occurred since the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972. Sea otters are a marine mammal that live off the coasts of the northern and eastern north pacific ocean. Introducing our playful, always-entertaining river otters, Molalla and Ahanu! Once you’ve guessed, you can see each otter’s picture on our sea otter fact sheet. Habitat: Otters can be found beside rivers, streams and lakes, mostly in north and west England and Wales. Sea otters were hunted to near-extinction for their fur in the 1700s and 1800s. Also, female sea otters give birth to just one pup at a time—river otters may give birth to several cubs in a litter. It can defend itself against opponents without getting any wounds. One of these otters is the Sea Otter, which is found in the Pacific Coast of North America. The condition and cleanliness of this fur are essential to ensure warmth, and therefore sea otters are meticulous about grooming. Besides, the sea otter typically rubs its face with its paws, since the fur on the face helps to keep its paws warm. We live in a beautiful world, get out there and enjoy it. In fact, at 850,000 to one million hairs per square inch, they have the thickest fur of any mammal. Tracks are usually at least 2cm wide (wider than your thumbprint). Sea otters are usually dark brown, often with lighter guard h… Sea otters dive to rocky reefs, where they collect invertebrates and also a large rock. • Identify the body parts and behaviors of a seal. Instead, they have very thick fur coats. This animal is the largest otter species by weight. Females give birth to one pup, usually between January and March. Mating, birth, and nursing take pl… The gait of sea otters on land is somewhat clumsy, but river otters can sprint short distances at high speed. The MMPA gave the Department of Interior (DOI) management responsibility for polar bears, walrus, sea otters, manatees and dugongs. Physical characteristics: Male northern sea otters average 70–100 pounds and 4.5 feet in length, including tail. If you have any comments then please drop us a message on our Outdoor Revival Facebook page. The air trapped within the thick fur of their coats coupled with an incredible lung capacity (about 2.5 times more than any other mammals of the same size) makes the sea otter very buoyant. The scientific name means "otter cat", and in Spanish, the marine otter is also often referred to as gato marino: "marine cat". However, just because an otter is spotted on the coast does not mean it’s a sea otter. They typically use rocks and empty shells to feed on marine snails, crabs, sea urchins and mussels. Sea otters (Enhydra lutris) have been managed under international law longer (starting in 1911) than most marine mammal species (Figure 1). Two Alaska marine mammals are neither pinniped nor cetacean: the polar bear and sea otter. They are most known for floating on their backs with a stone on their chest. The Seattle Aquarium is temporarily closed to the public. In recent years there has been much effort put into returning sea otter populations to previous numbers with conservation programs and re-introduction projects. This species is aptly named because sea otters rarely come on land. How much food Otter eat each day? Learn more. These seals can remain underwater for close to 30 minutes! They have an interesting method of eating their prey. The Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) of 1972 gave NOAA Fisheries responsibility for the management and conservation of all but three species of marine mammals in Alaska. When they are on the surface of the water, sea otters like to float on their backs,  swishing their tails and feet from side to side in order to move about. Not all otters use tools, but sea otters use them all the time. This stone is used to crack open mollusks. As top predators, sea otters are critical to maintaining the balance of nearshore ecosystems, such as kelp forests, embayments and estuaries. First, sea otters are two to three times the size of river otters — and, when at the water’s surface, they float on their backs, while river otters … Otters are part of the Mustelidae family, which is a family of … If you have a good story to tell or blog let us know about it on our FB page, we’re also happy for article or review submissions, we’d love to hear from you. There are 29 days left for marine otter, do you think I'll be able to get marine otter without cutting it close? Like other members of this family, they have very thick fur. They bear the thickest fur of all mammals! Sea otters usually hold hands with each other to prevent the current from separating them. They use the rock as a table against which they smash their shelled prey to … This allows the kelp forest to thrive and contributes to an increase in marine diversity. These animals spend most of the time in the water, but they can move around on the land also. There are other important differences between these two species as well: Northern sea otters are found only in coastal areas, with a range that extends north from the Washington coast, along the outer edge of Vancouver Island, and up to Alaska. Sea otters live in large colonies, but river otters tend to stay in small family groups. They weigh between 30 and 100 pounds. Sea otters, as the name suggests, are marine animals, and they live just off the coasts of the Northern and Eastern Pacific Ocean. I, too, assumed that sea + otter = sea otter. Adults range in weight from 50-100lbs and grow to 4-5ft from head to tail tip. The coloring of adult sea otters tends to be lighter on their heads, throats, and chests. To keep their thick fur waterproof, they spend hours grooming. Sea otters are streamlined and sleek and can reach speeds of up to six miles per hour. The health of many other species is determined by the health of the sea otter population, making them a keystone species. They are occasionally seen along the Straits of Juan de Fuca near Port Angeles, but they rarely venture further inland than that. Also, sea otters spend most of their lives in the water, where they breed, give birth, hunt for food and sleep. Next, the tail of a sea otter is short and flattened; a river otter’s tail is long and pointed. But instead, I held back and listened to the conversation, thinking back to ten years ago or so when I first saw river otters in the ocean. Sea otters are mainly native to the northeastern seaboards of the Pacific Ocean, so they aren’t spotted in areas like the East Coast or the Gulf of Mexico. In the years from about the 1740s and the early 1900s, the population of sea otters plummeted from about 200,000 animals to just about 2000 due to their being extensively hunted and killed for their thick fur. Students will be able to: • Identify the body parts and behaviors of a sea otter. This saltwater exclusivity is unlike most other otter species, except for the almost fully aquatic s… They are covered with thick fur which is predominantly dark brown, but it can sometimes be black or a silvery gray. While they prefer invertebrates, including crabs, clams, and other hard-shelled groups, they are also known to eat some fishes, juvenile birds, and even other mammals. In the wild, river otters make their homes in a variety of habitats, near both marine and fresh water. Otters have some interesting relatives. In coastal waters, they can be found traveling and foraging in estuaries, marshes and the lower parts of streams. Sea otters rest by wrapping themselves in kelp to keep from drifting away. Outdoor Revival – Reconnecting us all with the Outdoors. First, sea otters are two to three times the size of river otters—and, when at the water’s surface, they float on their backs, while river otters swim belly down like most animals. 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